

package complex

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AvroArray[T, S <: Seq[T]] extends AvroComplexType[S]

    Represents a mapping from a Scala type (a subclass of Seq[_]) to a corresponding Avro type.

  2. class AvroEnum[E <: Enumeration] extends AvroNamedType[complex.AvroEnum.E.Value]

    Represents a mapping from a Scala type (a subclass of scala.

  3. class AvroError[T] extends AvroRecord[T]

  4. class AvroFixed[T <: FixedData] extends AvroNamedType[T]

    Represents a mapping from a Scala type (a subclass of com.

  5. class AvroJArray[T] extends AvroComplexType[Array[T]]

    Represents a mapping from a Scala type (an Array[_]) to a corresponding Avro type.

  6. class AvroJEnum[E] extends AvroNamedType[E]

    Represents a mapping from a Java enum type to a corresponding Avro type.

  7. class AvroMap[T, M <: Map[String, T]] extends AvroComplexType[M]

    Represents a mapping from a Scala type (a subclass of Map[String, _]) to a corresponding Avro type.

  8. class AvroRecord[T] extends AvroNamedType[T]

    Represents a mapping from a Scala type (a case class subclass of scala.

  9. class AvroReferenceUnion[U <: util.Union.not[_], T] extends AvroUnion[U, T]

  10. class AvroSet[T, S <: Set[T]] extends AvroComplexType[S]

    Represents a mapping from a Scala type (a subclass of Set[_]) to a corresponding Avro type.

  11. class AvroUnion[U <: util.Union.not[_], T] extends AvroComplexType[T]

    Represents a mapping from a source Scala type to a corresponding Avro type.

Value Members

  1. object AvroArray

  2. object AvroEnum

  3. object AvroFixed

  4. object AvroJEnum

  5. object AvroMap

  6. object AvroRecord

  7. object AvroSet

  8. object AvroUnion
